Thursday, November 23, 2006


Being around your children

I recently went on leave with my daughter (16) to London. My first time and her second time around. Her dad had given her the option of having a big bday
party or a trip to London. (Wish I had choices like that at 16)

Well just to tell you I had such a great time and got to know my daughter so much better, since we had to spend an entire 10 days in the same bedroom. Just
made me realise once more how we can life in one home and not really share.
Lots of things has gone wrong in my daughters life lately and being alone with
her for ten days made me realise how we as parents CAN still make a difference to our children's life's. I have always believed that I am a hands- on mom and
that I can manage anything. Well let me tell you, I never realised that a single
cell phone and something called mxit can "destroy" ones life so easily. After I
disabled the Internet connection on her phone I thought I could start relaxing,
but now I am dealing with trusting her again!

Thank you Petrus (my hubby) for sending us to London and for loving us both
so much. If we did not go to London many thing would not have happened.....

1 comment:

Suzi-k said...

Yay I finally found it! I was looking for Julie-vivacious without the blogger added at the end!Touching story and so true, it is always a shock when we find the things that have hurt our kids at a frgile place in their lives, yet in other ways we can marvel at their strength and ability to bounce back! Who ever said parenting was easy?